by Michael Hammerschlag
Alternet Scoop (long)
There has been much commotion over the lack of armor
on Iraq vehicles and vests, but that’s always
been a trade-off: if you reinforce a HUMV
enough to survive an RPG strike, you may
make it too heavy to accelerate enough to
avoid getting hit, and full body armor suits
are great except when 120° temperatures cause
heat prostration. As the US death toll tops
2000, the far more egregious outrage is why
these hundreds of thousands of tons of ordnance
were allowed to be looted by insurgents in the first place.
The Pentagon admits a breathtaking 250,000 tons of heavy ordnance (out of 650,000 tons total): aircraft bombs,
artillery and tank shells, mines, rockets
were allowed to be looted by our undermanned
army in the 4-30 weeks after invasion through
gross negligence at the top- equivalent to
1 million 500 lb bombs. At ten 500 lb. roadside
mines or market closeouts a day, that's enough for 274 years of attacks.
---"During the fall of 2003, what you
would see was Iraqis going in at night, individually
and in trucks," US weapons inspector
David Kay told U.S. News . "They would
pull ordnances out and drive off." Security
was so bad after Saddam Hussein's regime
fell, Kay recalled, that his team was often
shot at by insurgents when they went to inspect
the sites: "There were just not enough
boots on the ground, and the military didn't
give it a high enough priority to stop the
looting. Tens of thousands of tons of ammunition
were being looted, and that is what is fueling
the insurgency." -US News+WR report
David BeBatto, a Military counterintelligence
officer at the massive Camp Anaconda 50 miles
north of Baghdad, in charge of hunting the
deck-of-cards Baathists, found a 5 square
mile ammo dump under 2 miles south of the camp in April 2003 “littered with
anti-aircraft missiles, land mines, rocket-propelled
grenades, plastic explosives” in dozens of
bunkers. He reported it again and again in
written reports to his battalion commander
Lt. Col. Timothy Ryan, even giving him a
tour of the dump. “Local Iraqis told us-
‘these guys’ – and they would point to looters
in the distance- ‘are fedayeen. They’re going
to take this and make it into bombs and use
it against you,’” he said in an interview.
Nothing was done. “We had enough people..
if we had placed 4,5,6 guys at the main entry to that facility, that
would have been enough!.. Every time I went
back there, there was less.”
2 other intelligence agents also reported
seeing that and many unsecured ammo dumps
all over Iraq bursting with deadly material-
all of which were massive looted. “They were
wasting people for really menial things:
KP, when there were a thousand Iraqis begging
to do it for a jug of water. I would have
feasts with shieks and ministers- when I
came back me and my team of counterintelligence
special agents would be.. emptying out latrines.
Bottom line is they ignored it- (because
of) a lack of people, ignorance, and .. absolute lack of planning for the occupation. Every day was a new day- you made it up
as you went along.” Ryan’s commander from
July 2003 was Col. Thomas Pappas, convicted
of dereliction of duty and relieved for his
part in Abu Graib abuse scandal, who directed
Ryan to take no action about the looting.
When questioned about the looting*, Donald
Rumsfeld, famously replied with the blithe
insolence of a drunken teenager who had crashed
the family car, “Freedom's untidy. And free people are free to commit mistakes,
and to commit crimes and do bad things….
Stuff happens.” The looting was "part of the price"
for the liberation of Iraq and not uncommon
for countries that experience significant
social upheaval. Incredibly, Rumsfeld seemed
to think the looting was a finger in Saddam’s
eye and a healthy release of “pent-up feelings
that may result from decades of repression”,
although after the invasion America owned Iraq and would have to fix any damage.
* questions were about looting of Baghdad
infrastructure and Museum; deadly munitions
never came up
The First Rule of Occupation since the Sumerians
is: disarm the population, but Rumsfeld knew better, wanting to test
his faster lighter cheaper invasion theories,
and blindly convinced we would be feted as
liberators. DeBatto says, “They made a decision
at the highest level- Rumsfeld- to just let
it go. They wanted not to be seen as brutal
occupiers and didn’t react at all. You had
these heavily armed Americans who could have
stopped anything, yet they let these looters
take everything they wanted. We have given
every weapon Saddam stored for 30 years..
to every terrorist and 2-bit thug in the
Middle East.”
Worst was the Manhattan-sized weapons dump
of Al Qaqa'a (an issue before the 2004 US
election), loaded with 380 tons of HMX, RDX,
PETN high explosives, so powerful they are
used in nuclear bombs, and useable in making
near undetectable IED's out of rubble (no
metal). The 101 Airborne Div., who swept
the area April 7-10, 2003, said they "did
not receive orders to search and secure the
entire facility or search for high explosive-type
munitions." By May 27, it was stripped
of all explosives by looters.
Even the Tuwaitha Nuclear Research Facility was allowed to be looted under the noses of US troops, putting a
lie to the entire WMD excuse for invasion,
and releasing dangerous radioactive compounds.
Although only the IAEA knew what existed
there, the administration blocked them from
inspecting it for 2 months. Debatto found
empty shells meant to be filled with chemicals
and bills of lading from the late 80’s. “The
only WMD I found in Iraq was supplied by
the USA… sanctioned by George Bush Sn. when
we were still buddies.”
The cost has been borne by soldiers blasted
by massive IED’s and car bombs, which were
easily available only because of the looting:
1054 coalition deaths2 (Iraq Coalition Casualty Count) and 4000-7500 wounded as of June 1, 2006.
Insurgents have destroyed everything short
of Abrams tanks with these artillery shell
or air bomb IED’s, sometimes daisy chained
together or shaped to penetrate armor. Although
US forces are stopping half of them, IED’s
now cause the vast majority of coalition
hostile deaths in Iraq, 71% (181) from IED or car bomb in the last 5
months alone (Jan-May 2006). The Marines have really
suffered: in June 2005, 24 of 28 Marine fatalities,
85%, were from IED’s and car bombs†. In addition,
helicopter crash deaths from anti-aircraft
missiles, RPG and missile attacks on vehicles,
even mortar fatalities could be largely blamed
on the unlimited looting.
America initially had enormous authority
as the new overlord who had easily vanquished
a brutal dictator. The looting of all institutions
first caused amazement among Iraqis, then
outrage, then disgust, finally contempt;
which allowed the insurgency to flower. America
wasn’t all powerful; but seemed incompetent,
careless, impotent, reckless; and the protective
aura of invincibility evaporated. The one
thing Iraq required was order, but the US
refused to keep it, although an explosion
of looting was to be expected once the pressure
cooker lid was finally released on totalitarian
Iraq (where no heavy weapons were in the hands of the populace). Even
hundreds of high power transmission towers
and lines were destroyed.
We were ignorant towards their culture too.
“Iraq is a tribal country- everything revolves
around the sheiks,” explains DeBatto. “They
came hundreds of miles and said, ‘We will
contain our tribe, we guarantee there will
be no problem in this sector as long as you
deal with (pay) me and don’t go in on your
own.’ The Army refused to deal with that. They said, ‘Nope… we
are the law and you don’t tell us what to do.’” As in Afghanistan,
we could have bought Sunni sheiks' cooperation
at a penny on the dollar and secured these
looted weapons.
“It all comes back to Rumsfeld: he tried
to do the war on the cheap at the expense
of the miltary,” fumes DeBatto. “If we had
contained the looting, I firmly believe,
Iraqis would have still liked us, we could
have sent the vast majority of our people
home, and left a small number to train their
people, instead of 150,000. Things would
be very different today.”
The failure to stop the looting snatched
defeat from possible victory, losing the
war in the first 3 months. Worse, when we
leave, Iraq is armed for the mother of all civil wars, and packed with skilled terrorists, who
could overthrow the Saudi monarchy... or
come here.
Rumsfeld said in the 2004 Congressional hearings
on Abu Graib that, “I would resign in a minute if I thought
that I couldn't be effective.” He wasn’t- he cavalierly ignored the most
basic rules of invasion and perhaps 1000
Americans have paid the ultimate price for
his arrogance and hubris. He should resign
or be fired, or suffer the endless chants
of Cindy Sheehans camped at his door, or
the doorstep of his mind.
They say an ounce of prevention is worth
a pound of cure; or in this case, a quarter
million tons and 140,000 troops of it.
Copyright©2005 Michael Hammerschlag
† 490 Iraq Marine deaths as of June
3,’05; total 565 Aug 31, inc. attached Navy;
30% of all US fatalities then(1882)
2 (as of 6-1-6) Besides "IED" catagory includes
categories "car bomb", “suicide car bomb”,
“explosion”, “bomb”, which are also IEDs.
Under STATISTICS/Fatality
Metrics/Cause of Death Detail; Grenade, RPG, mine,
etc deaths listed separately; Wounded
probably near high end, since ratio of dead
to wounded about 1 to 7; A new article claims
half of all casualties are due to IEDs
Michael Hammerschlag's commentary and articles
( have appeared in Seattle Times, Providence. Journal, Columbia
Journalism Review, HonoluluAdvertiser, Capital Times, MediaChannel;
and Moscow News, Tribune, Times, and Guardian. He's been a TV reporter, foreign correspondent,
and produced documentaries. He spent 2 years
in Russia from 1991-94, while multiple wars
raged in the Islamic southern republics.