War of the Vladimirs… Return to the Bad Old Days? 4 pg MediaChannel - April 2001
CNNAUDIO/VIDEO TALK SHOW on Reporter Attacks PRINTABLE SHORT-2pg Berozovsky's Letter to Putin
slider to 44:40)
Alarming all who worried about Vladimir Putin’s KGB past, a coordinated
campaign against oligarchs* Gusinsky and
Berezovsky has delivered both the two largest Russian television
networks: ORT and NTV (the only independent
one), into nominal government hands. The
third, RTR, is already government controlled.
Unlike 9 years ago, when TV was almost unwatchable
and everyone read, now (as in other Western
countries), people get most of their news
from TV- over 60%. Of the several vital measures
of a civil society: a fair and balanced court
system, trustworthy and honest police, a
consistent and responsive government- the
only one that was functioning: a
free press, is now seriously endangered.
NTV and Vladimir Gusinsky have been subjected
to an unparalleled assault, that
started (this time) with the police raid in May 2000. In Russia the government
doesn’t signal it’s displeasure to media outlets by denying access or revoking
credentials- they send hooded machine gun-toting anti-terrorist commandos to
kick in doors, rip through offices, and push employees around. Yeltsin first
did this to Media-MOST (Gusinsky’s company that includes NTV, the political mag
Novaya Gazeta, Sevodnya, + publishing house Sem Dei,
popular Ekho Moskvy radio- all some of the last independent organs) in
response to their highly critical coverage of the 1st Chechen War, and Putin
followed suit, also enraged by their stories. In Dec., Berezovsky’s hdqtrs was
Yeltsin, these acts were shots across the bow, but Putin has decided to run
them through to their logical conclusion: government control (or at least veto power),
through cutouts, of television and other media outlets- the situation before
that led to the huge paper- Pravda (Truth), printing mostly lies. The
psychological damage caused by the promulgation of lies in the Soviet Union was
immeasurable; families of the millions of murdered victims of Stalin’s purges
were never even told one word of what
had happened to their fathers, husbands, mothers, or siblings. Casualties from
WW2 were 8 million higher than what had been admitted before ‘91.
“They told us we lived in the richest country
in the world,” said a cab driver in poverty-ridden
Russia, where people lived 3 or 4 to a room,
“and we believed them.” This was the most
deeply gratifying thing about reporting in
Russia after the collapse of the SU: that
the ravenous populace regarded your profession
as a godsend, however sullied it had been.
In a April 7th protest of 10 thousand viewers
at Ostankino, a placard read "Protection From Lies!"
Putin plans to license all magazines and
papers, has enacted an Information Security
Doctrine that shuns foreign involvement in
media (good luck, Ted), and is concentrating
all press control in Moscow with the help
of 7 regional representatives. Most papers
and mags still receive Soviet-era state subsidies-
as well as free paper and printing, giving
Press Minister Lesin many handles of control
and retaliation (he has claimed that the
government is in more danger from
the media than vice versa). Russians simply wouldn’t believe that I wasn’t
paid by the American (or Russian) government in ’93, so alien was the concept
of an independent press. Indeed, outside of Moscow + Petersburg, 3 out of 10
Russians think “the existence of non-state media is harmful”, according
to the Committee to Protect Journalists, and the archetypal tough unflappable maximum
leader Putin remains popular- 75% support
by a new poll.
News from Russia has a short shelf life: every government edict; every new law was likely to be countermanded days or weeks later, then reinstated, then re-voided, then revived. The Chechen Wars followed that script, as has the Kremlin’s campaign against Gusinsky and Berezovsky. To recap:
1997 Alfred Kokh fired as privatization deputy
allegations of rigged auctions of hundreds
of billions of assets (going to the
wrong oligarch- not Gusinsky or Berezovsky),
alleged loan + book fee bribes;
Pilloried by Yeltsin + NTV
1998 Kokh charged with embezzlement;
Barred from leaving Moscow
1999 --Kokh refused entry to NYC as
wanted criminal
State-owned Gazprom +
Vneshekonom Bank start calling in loans to NTV
2000 Commando raid on Media-MOST Gusinsky’s Hdqtrs. after
start of Putin's elected term
--Igor Domnikov, a Novaya Gazeta
reporter, beaten into a coma + death
with a hammer
10 Kokh placed in charge of
Gazprom (state gas co.)
13 Gusinsky
arrested in Moscow, imprisoned for 3 days in czarist hellhole
20 Charged with embezzlement, Gusinsky signs
agreement to sign empire over to Gazprom
(who had lent him $467 mil)
in exchange for canceling debt, $300 mil in cash, and right to
leave the country
Sept Gusinsky, in London, reneged
on deal, claiming coercion
--ORT news show
cancelled by government after they report Putin plans to take over network
--Berezovsky claims
being pressured to sell ORT, leaves country when is summoned for questioning
11 Gazprom head Kokh signs
another agreement w Gusinsky
13 Kokh voids agreement,
Prosecutor issues arrest warrant for Gusinsky, now in London, for
asset stripping +
receiving loans against non-existent assets
17 Kokh signs another
agreement, increasing Gazprom stake in NTV from 30 to 49%, sues-
demanding 19% more,
which arbitration court seized
20- 22 Prosecutors summon NTV
general director Kiselyov and 2 reporters to be interrogated about stories on
in the privatization of Aluminum industry- with hidden video
footage of meetings between gov ministers and Maifiya bosses
5 Berezovsky hdqtrs raided by government commandos
12 Gusinsky arrested in Spain
(company incorporated in Gibraltar), pending extradition
15 Moscow taxman seeks liquidation
of Media MOST, claiming net assets below minimum
required (Gusinsky’s
holdings devastated by ‘98 65% ruble collapse)
17 Novaya Gazeta reporter Oleg
Lurye brutally beaten, face slashed in attack at home
23 Gusinsky released on $5.5
mil bail
4, 2001 Moscow Court throws
out all charges against Gusinsky
5 Another court reinstates
Turner (+ George Soros) negotiate to buy 25% of NTV, attempting to preserve
Jan 11 semblance of independence, Media MOST deputy chairman interrogated for second day, prevented
from meeting with investors; Gazprom viewed investors’ talks “negatively”
12 Moscow city finance
minister charged with abuse of power for “lending” $200 million to
Media MOST --Media MOST
sues Gazprom for voiding agreement
16 Media MOST finance
director Anton Titov arrested; searched home + office
Jan 25 Court Marshalls seize disputed 19% shares
of NTV + exclude them from voting;
Kokh brags that he has assumed
control of NTV w 46% of 81%; Plans to appoint 5 Gazprom board
members of 9
--Prosecutor summoned Gusinsky’s deputy +
NTV anchorwoman for interrogation
29 Putin meets with group of
journalists, claims welcomes Turner’s interest (sure)
30 NTV ordered to retract
report on Prosecutor-General’s alleged corruption for receiving apartments from
Property Manager Borodin, in jail in NYC
on Swiss Kremlin renovation kickback indictment
Feb 5 Government,
via oligarch Roman Abramovich, buys Berezovsky’s (who also is wanted for fraud)
49% stake in ORT, Russia’s largest television network;
appoints all 11 board members- taking control
Abramovich, who won the governorship of vast empty
Arctic Chokotka, is aluminum and oil oligarch and is still close to Putin. Gusinsky said, “Putin presented Russia as a
democracy to the world while.. installing a regime of security services.”
9 Further raids on Gusinsky
offices, the 30th time, including freezing
their bank accounts
13 Russian Duma’s Audit Committee
recommends that Gazprom get out of media business
Kokh grilled by State
Dept. and Nat. Security officials in Washington
23 Spanish court rules Gusinsky,
rearrested week before, must remain in prison
March 31 20,000
people protest crackdown on NTV in Moscow
April 3 Gazprom ousts NTV board; appoints 5 Gazprom
and 3 NTV reps on new one + American Boris
Jordan as mngr; On air protests by employees
April 7 Another
protest of 10,000 in the rain at Ostankino
TV tower (5 Ostankino photos fm '93 Oct Revolt-MH)
April 8 4000
protest in St. Petersburg
April 18 Spanish
Court denies extradition request for Gusinsky
Mags Segodnya and Itogi journalists all fired
Aug Government
Takover of Ch 6 (Berezovsky's), last independent
news source
+ Berezovsky, after Kokh granted Norilsk Nickel and Svyazinvest Telecom to
Uneximbank + Soros, rather than Media-MOST, viciously hammered Kokh (and other
enemies) in their media networks, exposing several scandals about interest free
loans and book advance payments that led to his dismissal and further
embarrassment as head of a Chubais investment fund. Considering the various
former and potential criminal charges against Kokh, there is speculation that
he is an unwilling tool of the Kremlin (even NTV head Kiselyov claims to have
“sympathy” for him)-- but there is plenty of bad blood between Kokh and
Gusinsky- they even got in a fistfight over Gusinsky’s “surrender” agreement
last July.
hard to find too much sympathy for the 7 oligarchs who, in totally
corrupt auctions and deals, cornered perhaps 40% of the wealth of an empire for
fractions of a penny on the dollar: some are men who have probably
picked up the phone and had people killed-
they are part bright young business executives
and part Al Capone (though Gusinsky may have
been an exception, and 2 oligarchs were almost
wiped out in the ’98 Ruble collapse). But
compared to a government that killed 20 million
of it’s own people, they don’t look as bad.
All things are relative- nowhere more so
than Russia. The gentle standards of Western
malfeasance don’t work there. And in such
a corrupt place, where colonels sell anti-aircraft
missiles to the rebels they are in the middle
of fighting, it takes powerful hombres to
criticize the government. If Putin shuts
them down so easily, smaller venues have
little chance to report embarrassing truths.
For all their corruption, the most courageous
reporters in the world are in Russia and
the CIS.
the 1996 elections, both magnates turned their networks into Yeltsin propaganda
machines, denying any time to his vilified competitors (they helped Putin too).
The need to control this overwhelming air power in future elections may be
motivating Putin over all else. Like Goebbels in 1933, or the Communists
attacking the Ostankino TV
tower in the ‘93 revolt ; those who control the airwaves, control
the country. Now the government controls
it all, which means Putin may have a long
run. Did they commit the “crimes” they are charged
with? No doubt they could be righteously
imprisoned on dozens of charges, but making
money itself was punishable by execution
as recently as 1979, and anyone involved
in business in Russia commits dozens of infractions-
the contradictory laws change by the day
and depend on who is enforcing them (or applying
them; most laws are never used, except in
some vendetta).
that is the point: nothing bad happens to powerful people in Russia without
other powerful people causing it. These things have only happened to Gusinsky
because of Putin’s anger at negative coverage of the brutal Chechen War (see untold story), his humiliation over the sinking of the Kursk, the outrageous puppet parody "Kukly",
and a documentary about the very strange
staged government “test of Ryazan security”
by the planting of an apartment bomb (a series
of devastating apartment bombs in Russia
in 99 was the reason for the resumption of
the Chechen War)—after which NTV’s problems
supposedly really started. “Many people think
that was a provocation to launch a new Chechen
War,” says a female teacher in Moscow. Other
oligarchs in the Kremlin’s favor have been
unmolested. Although Putin claimed to NTV
journalists the Prosecutor’s office was “independent”,
Prosecutor General Ustinov admitted his office
was an “instrument of the will and decisions of
the Russian President”.
networks aren’t the only crack-down: the
day after Izvestia published letters against reinstating the Soviet
Anthem, the Kremlin management dept. filed suit questioning the legitimacy of
the privatization of Izvestia’s building (after the wild privatization of most
of Moscow in 1991-94, 90% could be “questioned”).
and murders of journalists have skyrocketed in the last year: In Dec
Novaya Gazeta investigative reporter Oleg Luriye, who
had investigated the Mabitex/Swiss Kremlin
renovation kickback case that put powerful
Kremlin Property Manager (where Putin started in Kremlin)Borodin in a NYC jail and just extradited
to Switzerland, was seriously beaten and
had his face slashed; days later Novaya Gazeta Ryazan
contributors that had reported the “training exercise” fake government bombing
were beaten. In Sept, Iskander Katloni, a Tadjik Radio Free Europe
correspondent in Moscow working on Chechnya human rights abuses, was killed
after being attacked with an ax. A crusading Ukrainian reporter disappeared
in Sept., his headless corpse was discovered 2 weeks later. An opposition
lawmaker has produced an alleged audiotape that seems to show Ukraine’s President Kuchma plotting his demise, the one event that has outraged the populace. In
May NG reporter Igor Domnikov was beaten to death with a hammer (always at
their apartment entryway). He may have been mistaken for another NG
reporter in the same building who had reported on corruption in the oil
business. Nobody is ever convicted, let alone charged, for any murder or attack- unless it’s a
domestic dispute and the perp is caught with
bloody hands on a weapon. Radio Free Europe
counts 120 dead journalists since end of
Putin emerged from the dark recesses of the KGB as something of a tentative last hope- perhaps
he could stifle the Mafiya‡ thugs that extort every business, but his natural
predilection is to regard the media as a
dangerous weapon that must be controlled, not a vital part of a healthy society.
And, as a typical Russian leader, he will
accumulate and consolidate power without
limits. The tycoons should probably be cut
down to size, but not by this President;
Putin might not allow them to be replaced
by anything but Government yes men, the empty
gray suits that suffocated the Soviet Union
with vapid lies and senseless propaganda
for 7 decades. In the bad old days of the
SU, the government would usually just confine
recalcitrant journalists to mental asylums
or do 3am interrogations, now they seem to
have also countenanced or incorporated the
savage violence of the Mafiya clans. Spain
should think twice about aiding Putin’s political
prosecutions of the press by returning Gusinsky
PS On April 18th the Spanish court agreed
and refused to extradite Gusinsky.
Yevgenia Albats says it well in a Moscow Times column:
“It is clear the Kremlin has sufficient
tools to manage disloyal media: loans can be recalled, customs deals can be
investigated, privatization can be re-examined. The result though, is that the
extent of freedom of the press in Russia depends entirely on the opinions and
action of the.. leaders. Yeltsin supported freedom of the press, and voila, it
existed. Putin does not. For Putin, media are only good to the extent that they
endorse the state’s policies without questioning them. When they don’t they
become the state’s enemy.”
<<<Oct '93 1am, Varshavskaya, Moscow: Walking the 9 minutes home from the metro in a quiet secluded residential area, my worst nightmare became reality. A BMW slowed as it passed me, then continued. Directions, I thought, my brain having returned to its normal complacency after being kidnapped at gunpoint in St. Petersburg 2 years before. Fool. BMW's were the company cars of the Mafiya. 100 ft. from my building door, 4 huge guys appeared on an intersecting course, just as I had known it would happen. This was it- I'd never seen anyone near my building after midnight before. One of them didn't want to do it, though, and angled off from the others. "Where are you going, come on", they exhorted. Speed walking to the door, I sprinted to the 4th floor, caught the elevator to 8, and sent it to 6 to confuse them.. but within 30 seconds they were camped on my landing, loudly chatting for 5 minutes. It was a message. They could have been sent by Mafiya, Communist, or Government bosses enraged at my articles (I’d criticized the Mafiya gangs, the Communist Parliament, Yeltsin’s crushing of other powers, the rampant corruption); a girlfriend’s hoodlum boyfriend; or dubiously I was just a random target of opportunity- a rich foreigner. I never knew. Like so many things there it was lost in a miasmic cloud of fear and ignorance. For the next week I circled around, crossing the mud and hills of the train tracks to approach from the other side, where I studied the building carefully. 2 days later a car idled at the entrance (also unprecedented) + I crouched for an hour in the cold, debating alternatives. Complaining to the useless local militsia just could lead to other future risks: for foreigners and journalists safety lay in anonymity.>>>
THE NEW EVIL EMPIRE- The Mafiya in Russia-- author
Copyright © 2001 Michael Hammerschlag
*oligarch means monopolist, tycoon, and bully and is such an alien word, it fits- since the world’s never seen men of such instant unwarranted wealth: 0-billions in 2-4 years
‡ I’ve used “Mafiya”
for the Russian crime groups that extort virtually every business in Russia,
because everyone thinks Mafia exclusively means Italians, though there are
dozens of groups in the US, Italy, etc. The difference is one of scale: the
Mafia does crime; the Mafiya does everything, taking maybe 30% of all
profits in the country. In Ukraine + several other CIS countries, it’s even worse.
Hammerschlag wrote commentary and articles for Moscow News, Guardian, Tribune, Times; + We/Mui and did radio
reports for Radio South Africa and KING- AM, Seattle in the 2 years he
spent in Russia and the Soviet Union from ’91 to 94. He's writing a book on his
experiences, of which the last paragraph is an excerpt. His website is and e-mail: