by  Michael Hammerschlag  (see Yahoo article on genesis of standoff, full story in BLOG )

The Protest against the rampant criminality of the Yanukovich administration continues into the 6th week tonight, our Christmas.  Ukrainians celebrate Orthodox Christmas on the Julian (fries) calender- Jan 7, so one can go shopping or do anything you want on Dec 25. The immediate cause was the cancelling of the EU agreement that Yanu had promised Ukraine would have for 3 1/2 years, but probably 70% of this country would like this sleazy ruling cabal to vaporize- their theft amounts to $30-50 billion, the greatest outside (or inc.) of Africa. Yanu, and the continuing dependency on Russia, is exactly what people wanted to escape from, the sea of omnipresent corruption, bribes, payoffs, and scams that one has to swim in every day to do any business with anybody. There are maybe 30% that would prefer the Customs Union w Russia, but what they mostly want is not to lose easy travel or sales rights to + from Russia- even among them probably 50-70% would like to see Yanu gone, or back in jail, where he spent 3 1/2 years in  2 stretches for assault and robbery.      

- Classical Concert in Occupied City Hall (dulcimer+piano)

906 - Ukrainian Folk Christmas Singing on Metro Zoloty Vorota (Golden Gate) platform (25 people)  9pm  (Videos all lousy- posted them for the music)


917 - Rippling giant Ukrainian flag held by 50 people in Maidan, with woman singing Ava Maria


915 - Ava Maria- Woman singing on Big Stage, Maidan- :46s   24 hour free live entertainment, food, drinks, lodging, since Nov 21; 3 Bldgs Occupied: City Hall, Trade Union Bldg (leased legally now), on Maidan w Jumbotron on side, and October Palace Bldg up the hill. Lousy Video.                     


914 - Singing on Maidan Nezhaleznesty (Independence Sq) 9:25pm  1:01m sorry- horrible video-posting this mostly for music



   Olenka fm Lviv on giant barricades to Maidan from European Sq.  5M high Dec13- rebuilt 2x bigger after Dec 11 police attack destroyed them